por Raúl Carvajal | Abr 28, 2020 | CTI Leadership: Open Programs
¡Estamos de enhorabuena! César Fernández, partner de CTI en México lanza por primera vez para CTI el taller CLE® Virtual. Tendré el honor de coliderar este taller con Raquel Calvo. Es un taller potente con herramientas accesibles, versátiles y con el que podrás...
por Raúl Carvajal | Nov 16, 2019 | CTI Leadership: Open Programs
Raúl CarvajaI: will be co-leading CTI® Leadership program beginning next May 2020. If you are interested please get in contact directly with CTI. It will by my honor to co-lead this program together with my dear Jimena Romero-Oneto. The Co-Active leadership model...
por Raúl Carvajal | Sep 15, 2019 | CTI Leadership: Open Programs
Raúl Carvajal: I will be co-leading CTI® Leadership program beginning next May 2020. If you are interested please get in contact directly with CTI. It will by my honor to co-lead this program together with my dear Gülsün Zeytinoglu. The Co-Active leadership model...
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