About Us
We are an open group of professionals of different parts of the world that share purpose and are also connected to other organizations that we contribute to and inspire us. We are passionate about development and its infinite possibilities.
We have extensive experience in corporate environments where we have been working at different industries in our previous professional chapters.
We are all terribly curious and have chosen to be at this learning, creative, expansive, collaborative, inclusive, integrative, and evolving spiral.
We integrate knowledge from different fields: engineering, marketing, bank, psychology, economics, communication, consulting, arts, and body knowledge (yoga, conscious movement, and art therapy, amongst others).
EVOLBE is an evolving space to collaborate amongst us for you.
tos de diversos campos: ingeniería, marketing, banca, psicología, economía, comunicación, consultoría, disciplinas artísticas y corporales (yoga, movimiento consciente y arte terapia entre otros).
EVOLBE es un contexto más, para colaborar entre nosotros para vosotros.
Comencé mi carrera en el sector de la industria cuando terminé mi carrera como ingeniero superior industrial en ICAI. Desarrollé mi carrera profesional durante 15 años en una corporación internacional donde tuve distintos roles hasta el nivel de comité de dirección. En el año 2016 diseñe mi primer programa para grupos y comencé a trabajar en paralelo como coach ejecutivo en 2011.
El desarrollo de liderazgo y los procesos de transformación son el mejor marco para mí donde trabajar con personas y organizaciones de diferentes partes del mundo. Liderar el programa de Liderazgo Co-Activo® y el programa de experiencia de liderazgo Co-Activo® (CLE) es una parte importante de este viaje. Disfruto diseñando, creando e implementando proyectos que persiguen la transformación y retan el status quo con una aproximación holística, incluyendo típicamente al comité de dirección y a sus responsables. Creo en el aprendizaje exponencial y el liderazgo colaborativo sostenible.
He trabajado para las industrias hotelera, automoción, deportes y ocio, farmacéutica, seguros, servicios industriales, industria alimentaria, start-ups así como para universidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales entre otras.
Original de Argentina mi licenciatura es en Marketing. Antes de llegar a ser experta en desarrollo de liderazgo mi carrera corporativa evolucionó durante 12 años como responsable en diversas compañías nacionales y multinacionales en las áreas de marketing y desarrollo de negocio, liderando equipos y proyectos. Algunas de las compañías para las que he trabajado son Philips, Dell and Novartis.
Mi trabajo se enfoca en desarrollo de liderazgo y equipos de alto rendimiento. Mi pasión es servir y retar a las personas para conseguir el cambio positivo mayor posible en la eficiencia de su liderazgo, encontrando su propio talento y poniéndolo en acción de un modo consciente en sus vidas, equipos y organizaciones. Sirvo a los líderes a través de procesos de coaching o facilitando, para desarrollar un modo de pensar más complejo que pueda igualar la complejidad de la realidad de sus negocios. Haciendo esto los líderes adquieren un entendimiento más profundo de ellos mismos, el mundo y sus relaciones con otros, siendo más responsables del mundo en el que viven.
What do we do and How we do it
Some context in our current environment
It is not breaking news; the world is increasingly complex. Our ability to empower human beings to respond to new social, professional, personal, and environmental challenges is essential.
We believe it is essential to create structures that enable us to effectively take advantage of our current development and propel it sustainably.
On the one hand, current organizations and the new ones that will emerge are responsible for meeting the market, society, and the people’s needs. That is, organizations are responsible for creating structures, products, processes, rules, and educative developmental pathways that are inclusive, sustainable, transformative, and meet every moment’s needs.
On the other hand, we believe people are responsible for activating their inner will to learn, integrate, develop, and apply the vast knowledge about leadership development and human nature. Additionally, they are responsible for self-leading their development plan and transforming their current meaning-making process to expand their ability to choose differently and more effectively.
Our Approach
We believe development is a process, not an event.
At EVOLBE we design and hold any development process with an integral approach.
That is, on the one hand, we are focus on the specific and measurable objective we want to achieve. We may have to learn or not new skills, behaviors, techniques, or tools.
On the other hand, we focus on how you think? How do you make sense of the world around you? What is the «operating system» (mindset) that you have «installed» at a mental level? Or, if looking at an organization, which is the current culture? Is it unique? Can we find nuances depending on where we look at? Starting from there, it is possible first to become aware of our current intrinsic limitations to expand later and develop our meaning-making process (thinking system) or the company culture.
Integral Development Process
There is extensive research that confirms it is possible to expand our ability to understand and interpret the world around us. Therefore, we can expect that new structures and organizations that better serve citizens and society are created.
We invest a great time in profoundly understanding what needs the organization or the individual. We support them in expanding their awareness about where they are, what they perceive, interpret, and experience, and about who they are together or what they represent. Together, we design and co-create the best possible TaylorMade integral process to take the next step forward. It is an open process that is transformative and, ultimately, will allow a sustainable evolution for people and organizations in the long term.
We at EVOLBE holds any transformative process accessing to the vast knowledge which is available for leadership, adults development (mindset development), experiential learning, neuroscience, and communication: The Leadership Circle®; The Global Leadership Profile®; Co-Active Leadership Model®; Leadership Development Framework®; Process Communication Model®; Theory U; ORSC; Marshal Goldsmith approach amongst others.
We care about people and your organization. We make a difference together in a collaborative process.